A WOMAN from Blackburn has stepped up her campaign to encourage people to be more self-empowering by releasing a music album.

Cathie Higginson, who was living at the Findhorn foundation in Scotland during filming of Channel 4s documentary The Haven, believes we do not put enough importance on wellbeing.

The 28-year-old, described as a "beacon for the New Age" by critics, has released her fourth acoustic CD In The Flesh to promote her message of compassion. It is available from www.purelove.co.uk.

"Since I was a kid I have been into music," she said. "Living with the foundation gave me a lot if inspiration. It's a chance to explore a deeper purpose in life.

"I think it is important to promote self empowerment, especially the value of compassion, and the respect for everyone's way of doing things.

"My message is just that people need to feel empowered to change their own way in the world and take responsibility for their actions and how that relates to world peace.

"I am on an on-going search, looking within myself." Cathie, who travels around a lot, is off to Glastonbury. Her mum Ann lives in Crosshill Road, Blackburn.