A DRINK-DRIVER told police it was no big deal and not criminal - but a judge disagreed with him.

Paul Thompson, of Barry Street, Burnley, admitted driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £300, ordered to pay £50 costs and banned from driving for two years.

District Judge Maurice Greene told the defendant: "It is a criminal matter, it's a serious matter. People die on the roads regularly as a result of people drinking and driving."

The court was told after information received a police officer stopped a Volkswagen Golf at Gannow Top, Burnley. Thompson was abusive on arrival in custody.

He told police: "I don't know why you are making a big deal out of this. It's only drink-driving. Why don't you go and catch real criminals?" Thompson had no previous convictions.

David Lawson, defending, said Thompson had been out, intended to get public transport but walked back to where he had parked his car and foolishly decided to drive.