A MAN who spat at and terrorised a shopper in a row over taxis outside Nelson's Morrison's store could be facing jail.

Asif Akhtar, 26, racially abused his victim and left her scared to go back into the town centre.

Akhtar, of Manchester Road, Nelson, admitted racially aggravated common assault. He was bailed until January 7 for a pre-sentence report and the bench warned options included custody.

Bill Maude, prosecuting, told the court the victim was waiting for a cab and the defendant, who had not been waiting for a taxi as long as she had, went towards it. She told Akhtar the woman before her was next and the woman got in.

Akhtar was abusive to the shopper, making derogatory remarks about her colour and religious beliefs.

The prosecutor said another taxi arrived, Akhtar swore at the woman and got in the vehicle. As the cab drove off, the defendant spat out of the window at her. Saliva landed on the victim's face and coat.

The shopper was very upset and when she got back home she washed her clothes and had a shower.

Mr Maude continued: "She was concerned it was racially motivated, was scared to go back into the town centre and was frightened of shopping at Morrison's."