VANDALS have destroyed a tribute to a respected council worker by smashing up two memorial benches in a "sickening" attack at Barrowford Park.

They caused £2,600 worth of damage, including digging up a bowling green, during a night of vandalism on Sunday.

The attack has angered park workers and visitors who today urged people to help police catch the offenders.

Parks outreach officer Fred Stewart said: "They have smashed the benches to pieces and dug up the bowling green.

"I'm totally sickened to be honest. It's just morons ruining it for the majority of people."

Friends of Barrowford Park chairman John Bateson said he assumed the damage was not committed by children, as it happened during the night.

"To dig a bowling green up that gives thousands of hours of pleasure to people shows they have gone out of their way to be disruptive and mindless.

"This is deliberate, mindless damage - it's not something spontaneous because to dig something up would take quite a while."

Mr Bateson added that it would be taxpayers who were left footing the bill for repairs.

Both benches were dedicated to Frank Wilkinson and bear plaques dated December 1955 stating that they had been erected in recognition of 30 years' public service for the Urban District Council.

Work has already begun on repairing the green but it won't be until next spring when the new season starts that it is back to being useable again.

Both men said the park had never suffered vandalism on such a scale before.

Local beat officer PC Julie Eyre said she was investigating the incident, adding: "It's a well-used park and we don't want it to become a no go area."

She appealed for anyone with information or any witnesses to call the police. PC Eyre can be contacted directly on 07903 979015.