DETECTIVES today vowed to catch a teenage attacker who left a man with two dislocated shoulders in a brutal assault.

Keith Killaway, of Milton Street, Clayton-le-Moors, was so badly injured he spent two nights in hospital and needed surgery after the attack yards from his own home.

And Detective Sergeant Joanne Lightbown said officers now want to talk to three men they believed may have seen it.

The 48-year-old dad of two had gone to buy beer at 9pm on Sunday but on his way out of Aztec shop, Whalley Road, a gang of teenagers splashed water from a sports bottle on to his back.

He turned to ask why but was thrown down the shop's steps and set up on by one of the gang. He was then beaten by one boy, aged about 17, until his friends pulled him off and helped Mr Killaway to his feet.

The warehouse worker said: "It's all a bit of a blur and was over in about 10 seconds. I managed to get back home holding one of my arms up with the other. When I walked in my family hit the roof and the ambulance and police were called. My wife ran out into the street to see if she could see them but they'd gone."

Det Sgt Lightbown added: "We are appealing for anybody who knows anything to come forward, particularly the three men who we believe may have valuable information."

Call police on 01254 353334 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.