PARISHIONERS at St James Church, Edgworth, are hoping to create a lasting tribute to mark their centenary celebrations and are appealing for help to do it.

Members of the church want to create three altar-kneelers featuring a Celtic cross and the church's own symbol as well as the dates 1905 to 2005.

But they are asking for donations towards the materials they will use, with any left-over money going to the church's restoration fund.

The Rev Martin Short said: "We are having a week of celebrations leading up to the main centenary service on May 15.

"And as a lasting memory of this, three ladies from the parish will be creating the kneelers.

"The kneelers will be fairly large and are a wool tapestry.

"Each one will have a prayer sewn into the back of it."

Other centenary activities will include a Jacob's Join lunch, a tea dance, a ceilidh and an exhibition of mementos and memorabilia relating to the church.

Anyone wishing to donate to the altar-kneelers should put their money in an envelope marked St James' Altar Kneelers and hand it to any of the church wardens or Mr Short.