ROSSENDALE Council leader Peter Steen has finally stepped down from his position following 24 hours of confusion.

An internal inquiry is set to be launched by Conservative Coun Steen after his group released a statement announcing his resignation before staff at the authority had been notified.

Coun Steen said a meeting with Conservative group members would be held on Monday to discuss his future.

The group will then appoint a new leader.

Coun Steen also claimed a statement regarding his resignation was released by the Conservative Group without his knowledge.

He said he would be seeking to find out why it had happened and added yesterday: "Through my work at Manchester Prison and with the changes that are going on at the moment with the prison service, my profile could change to the detriment of my current lifestyle.

"I don't know why the statement was released when it was but I will be seeking to find out why it was without my knowledge." A statement released yesterday suggested the council leader had decided to step down because of work commitments. But it was retracted just an hour later.

Coun Steen added: "There is a lot of silliness going on at the moment with a number of disputes going on which are distracting us. I have advised the executive group of my position."

A spokesman for Rossendale Borough Council said: "Councillor Steen confirmed to Owen Williams (chief executive) yesterday that he was standing down.

"He will retain his position as leader until the next full council meeting on December 16 where a new leader will be appointed."