REPRESENTATIVES from East Lancashire travelled to Manchester to enjoy an evening with Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf last night.

President Musharraf made a 90-minute speech to an audience of 1,500 local leaders and members of the business community during which he asked for their support to help build business in Pakistan.

Security fears after a secret police protection file was found in a London street and handed to a national newspaper before President's meeting with Prime Minister Tony Blair meant delegates had to wait for an hour because of the necessary change in schedule to prevent security risks.

But Blackburn with Darwen councillor Hussain Akhtar who attended alongside councillors Mohammed Khan, Tahir Mahmood and Arshid Mahmood, said the evening was a great success.

Councillor Akhtar, who represents Shear Brow ward, said President Musharraf tackled the issues of terrorism, business and the importance of communities working together in his speech.

He said: "He said people were welcome in Pakistan to help build the business community. He said if we can invest there we can help create jobs."

Blackburn Friendship Mission chairman Ismail Lorgat sent a question to President Musharraf via Manchester-based Councillor Afzal Khan.

He asked that the policy on handing over suspected terrorists to the American government be revised.