GREATER Manchester Police (GMP) is to receive an extra £19.4 million to tackle crime.

The cash boost for 2005-06 is part of a national £12 billion settlement for law and order announced by the Government.

Total funding for GMP is £412.6 million, an increase of 4.93 per cent on last year.

In addition, GMP will get £30million in specific grants. This will be used for various initiatives including the forces crime fighting fund, neighbourhood policing fund, special priority payments and for its DNA expansion programme.

Nationally, the Government has increased funding for the police services in England and Wales by £746 million. This is a £3 billion increase in police funding since 2000.

Announcing the settlement, Home Secretary David Blunkett said: "Law and order is a top priority for the Government. The £750 million increase in funding for policing next year ensures that the police will have the resources they need to tackle crime in all its forms.

"This additional money, along with the legislation we are taking through Parliament and the second phase of the Governments police reform programme, will put the police in an even better position to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and make our communities even safer."