BURY Council has evicted its first introductory council tenants because they failed to pay their rent.

Action was taken when the tenants, from the Huntley Fold estate, ran up large rent arrears less than a year after their tenancy started, culminating in the loss of their home.

Under a new policy, all new tenants of Bury Council are effectively put on probation for 12 months. If they break a condition of their tenancy during this period, such as not paying their rent, it is much quicker and easier for the authority to evict them.

Councillor Stephen Perkins, executive member for regeneration and housing, said: "We brought in introductory tenancies last year as a way of dealing quickly with people who either dont pay rent or cause anti-social behaviour.

"We are determined to ensure that those tenants who fail to meet their responsibility are dealt with, and using introductory tenancies for all new tenants helps us do that.

"We have more evictions coming up in the next few weeks where people have run up rent arrears or broken some other condition of their tenancy."

The council is pointing out that it will only seek eviction as a last resort.

Coun Perkins said he was urging anyone who is experiencing genuine difficulty paying rent, or who needs help claiming benefits, to contact the council straight away for help and advice.

The local authority is able to arrange for tenants to repay debt in an affordable way and to offer some practical help managing their money.

The councils rent arrears team can be contacted on 0161 253 7052 and its housing advice service is available on 0161 253 7557