I have met many famous people in my life - Gail from Coronation Street, Christopher Biggins and Councillor Mehboob Ahmed of Nelson to name but a few.

None of them ever kept me waiting. This week I was lucky enough to be invited to meet the President of Pakistan who was visiting Manchester.

He was due to arrive between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

My morning had been taken up by another one of those legendary airport trips.

I was one of three drivers who were taking just four people to board PIA Flight 467 to Islamabad.

I had hoped to get there early and miss the rush but it seems those Bradfordians are getting cleverer year by year.

They make us Lancashire folk look like amateurs. One lot even had a tent.

Having waved goodbye I decided with three hours to kill I could arrive with my meeting with the President extra early.

Parking was easy and I was impressed as only Councillor Akhtar had beaten me to the place.

I milled around with the demonstrators for a while who seemed to be split into three different groups.

One calling for the removal of 'Busharraf', another wanting him to sort out the Kashmir crisis and a third who didn't have much to say or any banners.

I think they couldn't get any tickets and thought they might be let in for free at half-time.

In the conference hall itself the who's who of the local Pakistani and non-Pakistani community had gathered. And they waited.

Now, famous people have a very bad habit and that is to keep the masses waiting.

The more famous the person the longer we have to wait.

When I win or seize the Presidency I promise no-one will have to wait for anything. Even the trains will be on time in my honour.

By five o'clock I decided I had had enough and wasn't going to wait any longer and made a dash for the exit.

Once outside I was told he would be arriving in another ten minutes.

Those ten minutes turned into twenty and then half an hour.

When he did make an appearance at 5.45pm, I was so frustrated I decided to vent my anger with a couple of 'Zindabads' with the protesters.

And now to famous people of another kind. It ceases to amaze how the publicity gurus always manage to get people into the news who have no right to be there.

I speak of the furore concerning Posh and Becks being dressed up as Joseph and Mary in a Madame Tussaud's nativity tableau.

Companies will do absolutely anything to bring the punters in even if it means pulling stupid stunts like that. Shameful.