TWO of Preston's most respected religious figures are set to leave the city for pastures new.

Reverend Cannon Martyn Griffiths, vicar of Preston, and his assistant, Father Tom, both based at the Minster, Church Street, leave this month and in January, respectively.

Cannon Griffiths (right), who is also the Mayor's chaplain, will depart on December 19, with wife Anne, to take up a role in charge of three churches as rector of Henley-on-Thames.

Father Tom leaves on January 9 to become an assistant priest at a church in Torrisholme, near Morecambe.

One of Cannon Griffiths's biggest achievements during his six years in Preston was overseeing the restoration of the Minster which was completed in June 2003.

He has performed countless services at the church and has led several annual remembrance services at the city's Flag Market. In 2002 the priest met the Queen when she visited the city.

He is held in such high regard by city leaders that a delegation from Preston headed by Mayor, Councillor Pat Woods, will travel to his ceremony of institution, induction and installation by the Bishop of Dorchester, on January 15.

Councillors paid tribute to the pair at a meeting of the full council last Thursday.

Coun Woods said: "Cannon Griffiths will be sorely missed, we will miss his professionalism and his sense of humour. He has been an excellent ambassador for the city and we wish him well."

Leader of the council and the Labour group, Coun John Collins, added: "His sermons had a great under-stated sense of humour, he is irreplaceable, he will definitely be missed, and so will Father Tom."

Cannon Griffiths was not available for comment.

Father Tom said: "I have been enormously happy in Preston, I love the people and the work here, but I felt that it was right for me to accept this post."