DETECTIVES have charged a man with murder following the death of a disabled Burnley grandad.

Adrian Howker, 31, of Hawthorne Road, Burnley, was remanded in custody charged with the murder of John Russell after he made a brief appearance at Burnley Magistrates Court.

It is believed he is the partner of Mr Russell's stepdaughter.

He spoke only to confirm his name and address.

No charge was put to him and no plea was taken.

The court heard the charge related to the death of John Russell, 63, of Narvik Avenue, Burnley.

Mr Russell was found lying in the hallway of his house on Thursday, December 16. Magistrates were told he had been stabbed six times in the heart.

A post mortem examination showed he had been stabbed to death with a 5in blade.

Mr Russell's almost-new black Vauxhall Meriva was found bloodstained in the secluded Thursden Valley, more than ten miles away from his home, with its engine running and lights on.

Some 90 minutes later, police had called at the three-bedroomed Calico Housing bungalow, where Mr Russell had lived with wife Lesley since 1982, to investigate the theft of his car and the grim discovery was made.

Howker was remanded in custody.

He will appear before a judge at Preston Crown Court on Thursday, January 6.

Police have also questioned a 36-year-old woman in connection with Mr Russell's death. She has been released on police bail.