IN his "Diary," Jack Straw urged us to believe that there is no such thing as political correctness and that we should all pull together in "multi ethnic" Britain.

A repertory company has been forced to abandon a play written by a Sikh, because Sikhs were insulted by it.

There were threats of violence if demands went unheeded.

It sounds like a ghastly play and I am not surprised they felt insulted.

I felt the same way with the Python's "Life of Brian!"

I did not, however, offer violence to stop the film being shown at the local cinema.

I believe in free speech, however sad that speech might make me.

You see Jack, once again a vital and violent ethnic minority has stifled the freedom of expression -- however nauseating -- that this country was once famous for.

This is why we are worried and your little homilies are not sufficient to allay our fears.

KEITH REYNOLDS, Wyre Crescent, Darwen.