AFTER reading about the impending closure of the YMCA in Blackburn I was left feeling deeply upset as it is part of our heritage.

I was one of the many teens that often visited the YMCA back in the seventies and eighties. It was a rite of passage for many of us, a place where young children grew into young adults, where there was something for everybody.

Over the past year both of my children have attended parties there and had a great time and come back saying how they love all the different activities they got to take part in.

In a time when we hear constant complaints about juvenile nuisance wouldn't it be a shame to let such a worthy organisation that has kept so many children off the street during a 30-year period be lost from our town.

I hope the people of Blackburn won't let this happen and will gather round the YMCA to find it new and improved premises.

Councillor JIM SMITH, Mill Hill Ward, Blackburn.