HOBBLING down the aisle with a sprained ankle and the aid of a zimmer-frame still formed the highlight of one couple's year.

Nothing could cast a shadow over Sam Lilley's fairytale wedding in Cyprus to boyfriend of five years, Darren Foster.

Millions of television viewers tuned in as the couple exchanged their vows live on GMTV on September 3.

Barber Darren (31), from Radcliffe, and Sam (23), from Hollins, Bury, had their lives turned upside down in June when they were chosen for the TV breakfast shows wedding of 2004. The couple entered the competition for fun after their attempts to buy a house together fell through earlier in the year.

They won the hearts of viewers who then began voting each week to choose the different aspects of the big day. Despite spraining her ankle days before the wedding, Sam remained composed throughout the ceremony at St George's Chapel in Paphos.

Now, as the couple look forward to an exciting, but perhaps less hectic, new year, they reflected on the first four months of married life.

Sam said: "We feel like we lost three months because our feet did not touch the ground. We had the most amazing experience imaginable. It really was a dream come true.

"It is still sinking in that I am Mrs Foster, but I loved choosing a Christmas card for my husband."

Sam has a new job at Slater Menswear in Bolton, and Darren is still working at his dad's barber shop in Bolton. They have not yet found a house of their own and are splitting their time between their parents' houses.

Darren said: "We are driving around with our stuff in the boot of the car at the moment, which is not ideal! Our New Year's resolution is definitely to find a house.

"I think we will feel more married when we have our own place."