A PROJECT helping homeless people is looking for volunteers.

Amity Befriending in the Community, was set up and funded by Preston City Council and New Leaf, an organisation which also helps the homeless.

The city centre-based project, is becoming a registered charity and needs ten volunteers.

"It could be meeting up for a cup of coffee and a chat or going along with someone to a computer course, the role is basically to offer support," said Amity project administrator, Joseph Cooper.

"We are after lots of different people and different ages, but volunteers have to be at least 16." He said Criminal Record Bureau checks would be carried out to ensure suitable people were working with clients.

The small team running the organisation, which includes two other co-ordinators, has been working since September, when Amity was created, to get it up an running for the start of this year.

From April 2003 to March 2004 there were 1,051 people recorded homeless in the city. A count carried out on one night last September showed there were six people sleeping rough according to the council.

Julie McCaughey, a project co-ordinator, said the figures were only the tip pf the iceberg and volunteers were desperately needed.

If you are interested in volunteering call 01772 203770.