A COUPLE whose baby girl died 11 days after being born, are fighting for funds to start a business in her memory.

Darren and Sara Joyce, of Clevedon Road, Ingol, Preston, lost their only daughter Paris Llna in August last year.

They have £6,000 towards the start up costs but need the same again before they can open their baby and nursery store which they will call Paris Llna in their daughter's memory.

The couple hope to get the business up and running as soon as possible and plan to donate five per cent of profits to children's charities.

Sara said: "We want to create a haven where parents can come to buy things for babies like prams, with a section to serve tea and coffee and a play area for children.

"We are trying to turn our loss into something positive, in this way we can have a tribute to Paris."

Sara, 20, who is also in the final year of a criminology degree at the University of Central Lancashire, and Darren, 21, met in the summer of 2003.

In November of the same year she was taken into hospital with appendicitis, and was told that she was also pregnant.

Darren had already asked her to marry him, so the couple wed in February days after Darren, an army engineer, left the forces.

When their baby daughter was born on August 18, she had difficulty breathing and had to be transferred to Liverpool Women's Hospital.

She was later moved to Alder Hey Children's hospital, where, after going into cardiac arrest, her kidneys failed and doctors discovered her bowel was damaged.

The couple had to make the heartbreaking decision to turn off the life support machine after an operation to save Paris was unsuccessful.

Sara said: "It was very difficult, but it was the right decision. In a way we had already lost Paris by the time we decided to turn off the machine.

"When Paris died we were devastated."