MONDAY TRIOS: Going into the New Year, Banana Splits and Strike Out head the table with 61 pts each, closely followed by Oddballs on 58 pts. Bowler of the week was John Ralphs with a 572 scratch series including a 233 game.

Results: Chambers Crew 8 Holy Rollers 0, Strike Out 6 Passed Out 2, A.N.Other 0 Boom 8, Strike Out 4 Oddballs 4, Bowling Babes 2 Banana Splits 6.

TUESDAY DOUBLES: The final week of the season saw Chambers Crew maintain their 100% record and be crowned undefeated champions with 50 points. A close battle for runners up spot saw Drama Kings finish on 33 points holding off Charlies Angels who finished with 32 pts. Darren Leake with a 518 series was top bowler of the week.

Results: Charlies Angels 8 Smegs 0, Drama Kings 8 The Danes 0, Kingpins 4 Peelers 4, Chambers Crew 6 Old Gits 2.

WEDNESDAY SINGLES: The season finished just before Christmas with one of the tightest finishes possible with Brian Rigby champion, runner-up Derek Mason and third to Pat Hindley all finishing on 80 points, pinfall deciding the final positions.

John Ralphs took high series and game with Brian Rigby taking high average.

The new season started on January 6.

Results: Diane Clarke 2 Jennifer Gildart 6, Mary Parr 8 Winnie Robinson 0, John Brigden 8 Derek Mason 0, John Ralphs2 John Gildart 6, Brian Rigby 0 Pat Hindley 8, Shirley Pincott 8 A.N. Other 0.