WITH the number of people with diabetes now reaching 1.8 million, it is one of the most common health conditions in the UK.

What is more, there are an estimated one million people in the UK who have diabetes but dont know it.

There is no doubt that many readers will be affected - either directly or through a family member or friend - by diabetes, particularly the non-insulin type known as Type 2 diabetes.

Whether you have been recently diagnosed, or are supporting a friend as they come to terms with the condition, you will have many questions, concerns and possibly fears about issues such as long-term health, treatment and quality of life.

The great news is that today diabetes can be easily treated with medication, and certain life-style changes can really help patients to maintain good health.

As a GP, I have a special interest in diabetes and think it is particularly important to help patients successfully manage their condition. That is why I will be on-line on Thursday, January 20, to answer any questions. All you need to do is to e-mail me at diabetes@askchris.co.uk


GP and This Morning

resident doctor.