I AM writing in response to a letter (LET, January 6) headlined 'Selfish bikers spoil it for others.'

I can relate to the person who felt strongly enough to write about a situation which is endemic in our society.

I live in the Sunnybower area of Blackburn. People like me and indeed hundreds more enjoy the safety and tranquillity of Blackburn Old Cemetery.

The disregard and respect shown to the sacred ground by fly tippers, quad bikes, smack heads and alcoholics beggars belief.

The destruction of memorials and total disregard for decency is painful to witness.

I and my friends try to keep this holy place clean and inviting. We respect the dead.

We consider ourselves fortunate to have an oasis of beauty and the lovely atmosphere affords us hours of pleasure.

Perhaps the police might one day make their presence felt.

JOHN RALEIGH, Stone Hill Drive, Sunnybower, Blackburn.