IT is surprising how often, when someone criticises others for not being able to "handle different viewpoints" and so resorting to "abuse and intimidation", they are, in reality, describing themselves.

I refer to the letter (January 7) from David Chaytor MP complaining about "an explosion of hatred and viciousness".

The only expressions of hatred and viciousness I have read lately have come from Mr Chaytor himself, and they appear to be directed at anyone who has the temerity to question, or to differ from, his personal political views.

As for his complaint about receiving anonymous letters, someone should explain to him that, as an MP, dealing with anonymous letters is part of his job. He is paid an income that most people can only dream of, so he should stop moaning and get on with it.

After all, if he is finding the "heat" too much to bear, he can always "get out of the kitchen"!

