LEIGH RMI 1 ALTRINCHAM 2 by David Magilton: IT was hard to imagine that Leigh's season could get any worse but two cup defeats in the space of five days has seen them sink to a new low.

The Railwaymen were humiliated by a 5-1 thrashing by Southport in the Marsden Lancashire Trophy, but an FA Trophy defeat by another Conference North side and the loss of the £4,000 they would have received for getting through to the next round, is a body blow.To make matters worse they only have themselves to blame with a combination of poor finishing and defensive blunders.

Warren Peyton had two good chances but a header was cleared off the line and a second chance missed the target, while striker Chris Simm wasted the best opportunity when he blasted wide with only the keeper to beat.

Altrincham, buoyant after six games without defeat, looked dangerous in attack with Colin Potts, and Colin Little always a threat, but they too spurned chances until a defensive error handed them a goal in the 79th minute. RMI failed to clear the ball and substitute Kieran Lugsdens pass fell perfectly for centre-half Mark Maddox, who lashed it into the top corner.

Six minutes later and Leigh's fate was sealed when Colin Little, who had earlier hit the upright and had a goal disallowed for offside, slotted the ball home from 40 yards after Leigh keeper James Mann had scuffed his clearance and was left stranded outside the box.

In a frantic finale, Leigh grabbed a goal back in the 90th minute when Gareth Stoker's cross was tucked home from short range by former Carlisle striker Reed, but it was a case of too little too late.

RMI are next in action when they travel to Carlise next weekend.