AMBITIOUS plans to revamp Clayton-le-Moors and Enfield have taken the first step forward.

Consultancy Meadowhead Projects Ltd, based in Mellor, has been chosen to work with Hyndburn Council to produce proposals on how to rejuvenate the area's housing and environment.

The work is being funded through the Elevate East Lancashire housing market renewal programme, a huge project to improve East Lancashire's run down areas.

Once the plans have been drawn up the council hopes to use them to attract further funding to start work on improving the area.

The work will include some short term measures, such as cleaning up known grot spots and enforcement action against people who are letting their property fall into disrepair, which they hope will have an immediate impact on the area.

Meadowhead will also look at longer term ways of improving the area such as using compulsory purchase powers to buy up derelict properties where the owner cannot be traced in order to bring them back into use.