TOWN centre businesses could be forced to fork out for extra security after a hair salon was trashed by vandals, it has been claimed.

Blackburn club queen Margo Grimshaw, who owns the Northgate building which houses the salon, today warned stores may have to buy metal shutters if the attack is repeated - putting shoppers off visiting the town.

The break-in at Glamour, in Northgate, saw thieves smash a reinforced glass window, set off a powder fire extinguisher, smash plants all over the floor and dump a stereo and i-pod into a nearby skip.

They also stole four jackets, the till drawer and a pile of sunbed tokens during the raid - which took place just three months after the salon opened.

Police believe the raiders broke in via a back door to a rear consulting room, before trashing the salon itself and smashing the front window.

The attack took place between Thursday evening and Friday morning.

Jason Keen, joint proprietor, said: "We only opened on November 1 so this is heartbreaking.

"I didn't notice the damage at first because I opened up, put a sign out front, and it was only when I went into the salon itself that it hit me.

"They'd set off the powder fire extinguisher everywhere, smashed up plants and even thrown the stereo in a skip.

"They also stole beauty products and even nicked a pile of sunbed tokens - we'll be changing them now.

"The damage was so bad that it almost makes me think that it's some kind of personal vendetta against the salon."

Margo said: "I think this is a mindless attack. What worries me is that all the shops in Northgate will end up having metal shutters to try and deter this kind of attack.

"Unfortunately that would put people off walking down Northgate, then all businesses would suffer."

A police spokeswoman said a forensic team have examined the salon and inquiries are continuing.