A SHOPKEEPER relived the moment he was threatened with a knife by a thief who escaped with £20,000 worth of jewellery.

Riaz Ahmed, 63, told how he had been alone in his shop, Riaz jewellers, in Whalley Range, when a man pulled out a knife and demanded jewellery.

The intruder, who may have been caught on security cameras, then leapt over the counter and filled the carrier bag with bangles before escaping through a security door.

The incident happened shortly after 11am on Saturday.15. Mr Ahmed was not injured in the robbery but was shaken by the ordeal.

He said: "I had just opened up and was on my own in the shop. I was standing behind the counter when a man came in.

"I thought he was a customer at first. He was carrying a plastic bag and then he pulled a knife out of it and threatened me. He told me to put the jewellery in the bag but I said no.

"So then he jumped over the counter and put some jewellery in the bag himself. I don't know how he got out of the shop because we have a door that automatically locks to keep people in. He must have used his knife on it.

"He didn't hurt me and I feel okay. I kept the shop open."

Mr Ahmed, who has owned the jewellers shop for 14 years, believes around £20,000 worth of Asian-style gold bangles were stolen.

He described the man as Asian, around 5ft 10in, between 25 and 30, of medium build with a moustache, wearing a black cloth around his head and traditional white Asian dress.

DC Elaine Smalley, from Blackburn CID, has appealed for anyone who knows the man or has information about the incident to contact her on 01254 353561.

She said: "The shopkeeper was shaken by the ordeal as he was in the shop on his own when he was threatened. The thief has reached under the counter and stolen a quantity of jewellery.

"It happened shortly after 11am so it's likely that there were people about at the time who might have seen something.