THE mother of an 11-year-old boy savaged by a bull terrier in a Blackburn school playground has spoken of her son's trauma.

Michelle Lones was called into school after son Ben was mauled by the dog outside Shadsworth Junior School before classes began.

The animal had been taken along by another youngster and Ben was helping stop it running away.

Last week he was awarded £40 compensation after being left with open wounds to his foot and body following the horrific attack.

But Ms Lones, 42, says he has been left with psychological and physical scars of attack and is still terrified of dogs.

She said: 'The dog's teeth went through Ben's school shoes and through his school uniform into his foot. It was such a mess that we were in casualty for five hours. After that it came back for him and bit his groin - he's still got a scar there.

'Ben has been awarded £40 compensation which is a joke. He's been left terrified of dogs and won't go near one except for the family pet which we've had for years. Even then he's wary.'

The boy in control of the dog, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted having a dog out of control in a public place at Blackburn Magistrates Court last week.

He was given an absolute discharge and ordered to pay the compensation.

His mother, the owner of the dog, is to have the opportunity to argue against a destruction order being made on the dog.

Magistrates heard the incident happened on June 22 last year at 8am.

The boy in control of the dog arrived at school with the bull terrier and gave the lead to an 11-year-old girl to hold.

He started pushing another boy and the dog started to pull the girl, who shouted for help, the court heard.

Ben then took hold of the lead to help her control the dog but it turned on him.

He fell to the floor in agony after the dog's teeth pierced his school shoes and bit into his foot.

The owner pulled the dog away but it went back and bit him near his groin.

The dog was eventually kicked off by its owner and Ben was rushed to Blackburn Royal Infirmary.