From the Radcliffe Times, February 18, 1955: A request by Radcliffe and Little Lever Chamber of Trade, to have a bus service re-routed through Radcliffe bus station, was refused.

Amateur gardeners were claiming squatters' rights for allotment land they had cultivated for years without paying rent at Allen's Green.

The Manchester Regional Hospital Board's Mass Radiography Unit was due to finish work in Radcliffe after taking X-rays of 7,000 people.

Police accident prevention officer Constable F Proctor was unable to attend a meeting of Radcliffe Road Safety Committee - because he had been injured in an accident!

At the Odeon, Glynis Johns and Donald Sinden were appearing in Mad About Men, while over at the Picturedrome, Marge and Gower Champion were starring in Give A Girl A Break.

Radcliffe Borough suffered a resounding 6-1 defeat to Manchester League opponents New Mills.