WE are not terrorists yet we are under virtual house arrest. The 'we' refers to pensioners, who have done nothing wrong but are penalised by a Labour government that 'says all and does nowt.'

Council tax already takes up to one third of a married couple's state pension.

Yes, the same council tax that has increased by 70 per cent since Labour came to power, plus another five per sent in the pipeline.

This has been capped, as it is an election year.

What is not capped is the extra £425,000 to be taken from the council tax payers over the next three years to prop up town hall pension funds.

When private pensions have been hit for six by this government, it can still look after the public service pensions.

Gordon Brown takes £5billion per year from the pensions industry and has almost single-handedly brought the industry to its knees. This guy went to Africa to see how they make begging bowls.

Our pensioners will need to be issued with them unless the incoming Conservative government can get returned to power and reinstate the link with earnings, promised in the first month after the election.

Stealth taxes equivalent to 16.5p in the pound of the standard rate of income tax have been applied to every man, woman and child, without fear or favour and irrespective of their ability to pay.

This additional levy is with us forever, effectively pushing the tax threshold down to zero, 113 stealth taxes up to now and each month another new one on the basis that 'you could afford it last year, so let's tighten the screw.'

When are we to get back to using the standard rate of income tax as a measure of how efficiently the dispensation of essential services is actually carried out.

I think that this forthcoming election would be worth losing for Labour, as the consequences of a further term on this downhill path would render them unelectable forever.

I would be pleased to hear a response from Labour and we could carry on the debate until election time.

ALAN COTTAM (Conservative councillor),Livesey with Pleasington.