From the Radcliffe Times, February 25, 1955: A motion that urged Radcliffe Town Council to divulge meeting minutes to the press before they were formally confirmed was passed by Radcliffe Trades Council.

63-year-old Radcliffe Power Station charge hand Arthur Crompton was commended by the Queen in the London Gazette after he saved a colleague from being crushed.

Without exception, engineering concerns said their apprentices had accepted the ban by employers and trade union leaders on the traditional Shrove Tuesday walk out.

Radcliffe Town Council announced that the new rates level for the town was to be 22 shillings and ninepence in the pound.

At the Odeon, Bing Crosby was appearing in White Christmas, while over at the Picturedrome, Steve Cochran was the star of Where No Vultures Fly.

Like many other games across the snowbound North, Radcliffe Borough's match with Manchester League opponents Mirrlees was cancelled.