HAVE I missed something here? Who decided that these Panopticon "works of art" which will grace our beautiful countryside could or should be built?

Surely enough countryside is disappearing already under houses, roads and businesses not to mention the controversial windfarms.

Why build a wall and then put a viewing window in it?

A real tree is of more value environmentally and aesthetically than a pile of scaffolding pipes and giant mounds of earth.

Where is the sanity in these plans?

Rest assured it will be my money and yours that goes to fund these projects no matter what title the funding has and I, for one, would far rather see my money spent on the health service where it is really needed.

Maybe then I wouldn't need to wait a week for an appointment with my doctor and urgent hip operations would be performed within a shorter space of time.

EILEEN EASTHAM, Milton Close, Darwen.