MR Cyril Mintz spoke at the latest Prestwich & Whitefield Afternoon Townwomen's Guild's social studies meeting about his service as a Salford magistrate.

There are very few funny stories to relate about court cases, he told us, but many sad, frustrating and tragic ones.

Correct identification is a main issue for magistrates to consider as many victims and witnesses are unable to give a good description of an offender. A magistrate can only reach a verdict on clear evidence given, and must overcome any prejudices the case arouses.

Mr Mintz outlined the types of cases that had been brought before him and described the way a magistrates court operates.

Mrs Ada Owens thanked Mr Mintz for a very interesting talk.

The Guild's afternoon speaker this month, Mr Stephen Saunders, named his talk "Memories of a Lancashire Lad". He began by stating how proud he was of his working-class Lancashire background.

Born and brought up in Wigan's mining district, Mr Saunders reminded us about the days of one cold water tap in a house, an outside toilet, (not always a WC), coal fires, gas lighting, a "meat safe" and no fridge freezer or electrical light and power points. A different world from today, yet within our living memory.

Mrs Barbara Duckworth thanked Mr Saunders for an afternoon of nostalgia.
