VULNERABLE householders across the borough can make their "mark" to beat the burglars.

For Bury Police has joined together with a number of organisations to produce a Home Security & Crime Prevention pack containing a special security marker pen, booklets, stickers and leaflets.

The packs will be distributed to those who have suffered burglaries and their neighbours and to those living in local "hotspots" where there has been a series of break-ins. They are also available from police stations within the Bury division.

Each of the packs gives key advice and information to householders on how to protect their homes and property.

Gaynor Mason, Bury police crime reduction adviser, said: "The major aim of the pack is to reduce crime. When police officers go to homes which have been burgled, they will take these packs with them. Hopefully, this will stop the householders becoming repeat victims of crime.

"At the same time, they will issue neighbours with special 'burglary alert' cards. We will also be distributing these packs in areas which we identify as burglary hot spots in the division."

Among the information contained in the packs is advice from Trading Standards on doorstep selling, details of how to contact Greater Manchester's Target Fire Team for free home safety surveys and how to register possessions and property at MEND. This is a new, on-line national database for property recording and searching by police forces across the country.

A total of 5,000 Home Security & Crime Prevention packs have been printed. Anyone interested in obtaining one can call in at any police station in the borough.