I TOUCHED a nerve with reader Bill Cannie who tells me he is sorry to read that I am repulsed by the sight of the 'exposed bump' of an expectant mother.

He smacked my hands in no uncertain terms, saying: "I am not, but what does repulse me are your thoughts on this subject.

"I do not find your comments on what most people find a wondrous, magical, some say miraculous event I find them narrow minded and offensive.

"Pregnancy can be a worrying time and I'm sure expectant mothers have enough on their minds without reading this kind of rubbish leaving them perhaps feeling marginalised, self conscious or as you would promote, the object of revulsion.

"I would recommend you visit Hope Hospital or any antenatal clinic and surround yourself with pregnant ladies and their 'bumps' and you may realise how wonderful they are exposed or otherwise and having done that, re-read this message and think to yourself I must keep wild opinions like this to myself."

Ouch. It's not the bump I'm against, it's the in your face flaunting of it naked in the streets that I object to - and believe me I'm not the only one.