EVERY time you open a newspaper these days vandals and young people are causing problems in a lot of communities.

I live in the Elton area and have problems with young people running on my garden, riding bikes over the garden and throwing balls at windows and my car. You try and ask them to behave, but the parents sit in the window and shout to the kids to ignore that (me) and carry on playing and having fun.

Some of the children are only about eight years old, they play with the older ones between 13-15 years of age. The older ones tell them to do things. What chance has anyone got today of trying to have a quiet life in their own home, when teenagers and younger kids do whatever they like, to whoever they like?

I brought my sons up to respect people and property as did thousands of others no doubt, so where is society going wrong?

Councils and police need to come up with some serious answers before our borough get's out of hand altogether. Each generation blames the last one, but now is the time to get really tough and make somebody responsible for their own children. How about letters to parents, saying "Do you know where your child is tonight, or do you not care?" They let other people have to put with their children vandalising and upsetting, as long as they do not suffer themselves.