CHILDREN are being blamed for a spate of grass fires across Blackburn.

On Wednesday, there were six grass fires from noon until 6pm and then another seven from 6pm to 8pm.

Fires were started in Highercroft, Infirmary, Bastwell and Mill Hill.

Fire crews using hose reels and beaters had to return to several fires more than once.

According to Blackburn Fire Service, a change in weather conditions has left green areas dry and prone to fires.

Watch manager Phil Jones said: “The grass has been that dry and dead with the cold weather is an easy target.

“It’s a source ready to be ignited by kids, but it spreads quickly and gets out of control.

“It’s a large drain on resources.

"For example, because we were dealing with grass fires and a house fire on Wednesday evening, pumps from Darwen were called to a shed fire because we couldn’t get there.”