RESIDENTS left stranded for three weeks by snow and ice could benefit from a better gritting service next year.

Some people living in Briercliffe were unable to get out after steep side roads were not gritted by the county council during the recent snow storms and freezing temperatures.

The parish council received so many complaints about the lack of grit that it is now planning to take matters into its own hands.

Councillors are to invest in their own grit store and spreader to provide a better service to residents.

Coun Anne Kelly, vice-chair of the parish council, said: “We did grit some pavements this year but the grit was in short supply.

“Now we are talking about buying some grit out of season and storing it away for the winter, as well as buying a spreader.”

The spreader can be attached to a 4*4 vehicle, and will be taken around Briercliffe to spread grit on the roads and pavements.

“We live in one of the coldest and snowiest parts of Burnley and it has been particularly bad this year,” said Counc Kelly.

“Some of the streets were not passable for three weeks and residents were really struggling.

“We have some very steep streets in Briercliffe and when the snow and ice comes it can be difficult to get around.”

The council is to buy grit, equipment and establish a grit store out of money from the borough council’s ward opportunities fund.

“We should have the equipment brought well before next winter and be ready to go with it.

“I am sure residents will see a much better service next year and getting in and out will be a lot easier.”