A KEY piece of Darwen’s history has been mysteriously deposited at a market stall.

Now there are plans for it to be included in the town’s new leisure centre.

The original visitors book from the 1933 opening of the Darwen Baths, with signatures from Prince George, who later became King George VI, and political stalwarts, was left in a brown envelope at Brenda’s Collectable’s stall on Darwen Three Day Market.

Town councillor Brenda Cronshaw, who runs the stall, said she had no idea who left the parcel.

She said: “People do sometimes leave bits and pieces they don’t want at my stall, but when I opened this, I nearly died!

“I think the reason it was left with me is because I sell pictures of old Darwen and I’m so passionate about the town’s heritage.

“This piece of Darwen’s history should be put in a glass cabinet in the new leisure centre and we should try to find the cups that were given out to schools and clubs as part of swimming competitions to go with it.

“I would urge everyone to look for them in their cupboards and attics so that we can preserve history.

“It’s absolutely imperative that the old and the new mix, so I will be speaking to the relevant people to get this sorted out.”

The book, measuring eight inches by ten, and leather- bound with a gold Darwen crest, has been signed by Prince George, renowned musicians Humphrey Lyttelton and Ronnie Aldrich, and a host of MPs including Barbara Castle, and one-time Labour Party leaders Hugh Gaitskell and Michael Foot.

The 1933 building was demolished in 2007 to make way for a new £12.7million leisure centre, due to open on Janaury 29.

Only the historic archway, which used to be the entrance of the old building, remains, left of the new front windows.

Eighty workers are on site off Green Street, putting the finishing touches to a host of state-of-the-art facilities ins-ide the complex.