A SECOND World War enthusiast took pupils back in time by recreating the life of a soldier.

Retired teacher Dean Ashley spent the morning showing children at St Thomas Primary School, Barrowford, his war jeep and collection of soldier uniforms.

The former head of technology at Walton High School also brought in other parts of his collection including war medals and helmets.

His daughter, Catherine Savage, who teaches year four and five at the school said: “The children are studying the war and we thought it would be nice to try to bring the subject to life.

My father has been interested in the war for a long time. He started by collecting helmets and medals then got the war jeep shipped over from France.

“He talked to the children about how his father was in the war and how when he was a little boy he wanted to be a soldier.”

Mr Ashley re-enacted what it would have been like going to the Normandy landings.