A CAMPAIGN has been launched to get people to have their seasonal flu jabs.

People are being reminded about the importance of the shots amid fears that the high-profile of swine flu may lead people to forget.

The campaign will encourage people in the North West who are at risk of seasonal flu to protect themselves by getting their free flu jabs.

Everyone aged 65 and over is routinely offered the jab, as are younger people with long-term conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, multiple scl-erosis, serious kidney and liver disease.

Around 15 million people in the UK have the jab, which must be administered every year as it is altered annually to match the seasonal flu strains in circulation.

Dr Ruth Hussey, North West regional director of public health, said: “There has been so much coverage about swine flu this year that it is very important to remind people not to forget about getting their normal annual flu jab.

“People should not underestimate the effects of seasonal flu.

“It is not the same as getting a cold. It can seriously affect your health and the risks of developing complications are greater if you have certain pre-existing medical conditions.

“It is important for people in ‘at risk’ groups to have both vaccinations and local NHS organisations are waiting for final details before they inform patients about the swine flu vaccination.”

Seasonal flu (influenza) is a highly infectious illness cau-sed by a virus.

The virus, which is different from swine flu (H1N1), changes every year as does the vaccine, so, it is important that those at risk ensure they receive the jab.