A COUNCIL has come under fire for employing a firm of clampers to crack down on staff parking.

In a new development in the row over council car parks, about 25 workers at Lancashire County Council have so far had to pay £80 to release their vehicles after staying too long at County Hall and East Cliffe, Preston.

The proceeds go back to the private company, National Clamps, which signed a contract with the council in April.

Unions have hit out at the “harsh” tactics – but Pendle East councillor and cabinet member Mike Calvert said: “We all have to pay to use the car park and we are all in the same situation.”

Unison rep Carol Lukey said: “It’s harsh to clamp members of staff – and the price to release cars is an awful lot.

“It’s unfortunate for people whose meetings run on.

“This is just an extra penalty for what should be a managed situation.”

Parking at County Hall – a workplace for hundreds of people from East Lancashire – has been a political hot potato in recent years.

Staff carried out a work-to-rule protest against plans to charge them to park at work, and bosses eventually slashed the proposed fees.

Gary Pearse, the county council’s assistant director for valuation and facilities, said: “In April, our contract with National Clamps came into effect back on the car parks at County Hall and East Cliff.

“This is to reduce instances where short-term parking spaces have been taken up by people parking for longer periods of time.

“This reduces the spaces available for people to park while attending meetings and other business at County Hall.

“Any money raised through fines is retained by the company under the terms of the contract, although the overall aim is to encourage considerate parking by people using our car parks.”