A PENSIONER was knocked unconscious and robbed in a street attack as she walked home from church.

The 72-year-old woman was walking down Linden Road in Colne on Sunday when she was shoved to the floor by a “chubby” woman.

She made off with the pensioner’s handbag, leaving the victim lying on the ground, police said.

A member of the public called an ambulance and police and the elderly woman was treated in hospital a wound to the head. She was discharged today.

Now detectives have launched an appeal for information as they attempt to track down the “violent” attacker.

Det Sgt Charlie Haynes, from Pendle CID, said: “This is an unusual and nasty attack, with the offender being a woman.

“We are appealing for witnesses to come forward or for anyone else who may know something to contact us.”

The attacker was a white “chubby” woman, police said.

She was wearing dark trousers and a grey or white hooded top with the hood pulled up.

Police said the victim was yesterday unable to say how old the woman was.

Call Det Con Darren Irving at Pendle CID on 01282 472644 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.