AN East Lancashire super-school is one step away from lifting itself out of special measures.

And the headteacher of Shuttleworth College, Burnley Road, Padiham, says if the progress continues he hopes to be out of special measures in October – four months ahead of the school’s February target.

Martin Burgess said he was pleased with the latest monitoring inspection from education watchdogs Ofsted and was already working towards building on the current success.

Ofsted inspectors said progress is satisfactory with 32 per cent more students than last year predicted to achieve five or more A* to C grades including English and maths.

However pupil attendance is still an issue but no one has been permanently excluded since the last inspection in March and punctuality has improved.

Mr Burgess said: “This is a very pleasing report and the inspectors were pleased with us.

“We are confident we will be leaving special measures in the next inspection.

“We had set ourselves a target for February. We are making very, very good progress.”

Inspectors, led by Gillian Salter-Smith, said: “Staffing is strengthen-ing with the appointment of a new director of mathematics and a new head of religious education.

“There are still significant staffing difficulties but they are fewer than on previous visits.

“Many teaching posts continue to be covered by short-term and longer-term supply staff.”

They added: “Although standards remain well below average they are beginning to rise.

“The proportion of students on track to achieve five or more A* to C grades at GCSE, including English and mathematics, at 32 per cent is an improvement on the previous year.

“The college is on course to meet its very modest statutory target.

“All college improvement plans set out actions which are sharply focused on improving students’ academic progress and personal development. The impact of such plans is reviewed regularly against clearly specified success criteria, which are measurable and, where possible, quantifiable.

“Improvement plans are based on accurate and evidence-based evaluation of the college’s strengths and weaknesses and do not set unrealistic expectations, so success criteria are achievable.”