A 63-year-old mother of three and grandmother is looking forward to a plunge into the unknown when she parachutes 14,000ft to help children with disabilities.

Daredevil gran Margaret Bamber from Mawdesley will do the parachute jump at The Black Knights Parachute Centre near Lancaster on Friday, August 14.

The challenge is part of Margaret’s commitment to raise funds for The Legacy Rainbow House in Mawdesley, her chosen charity as lady captain of Fishwick Golf Club in Preston.

So far this year Margaret has already raised £1,200 for the charity from a race night a Texas scramble and the sale of hand made cards by one of the golf club’s lady members.

This was followed by the Guild Trophy at Fishwick Hall Golf Club on Sunday, July 12 which also raised funds.

However, Margaret hopes that the parachute jump will be the highlight of her fundraising year and recently visited Rainbow House to tell children there about her plans for the stunt.

Far from being fearful of the jump she is anticipating the challenge with relish.

She said: “I know that this charity is so worthy of our support. What it achieves with the children who attend is absolutely fantastic so jumping 14,000ft is the least I can do to help.”

Margaret will present The Legacy Rainbow House with a final cheque at Fishwick Golf Club’s charity ball in November.