A PAIR of pals went through the pain barrier at the weekend to raise money for a cancer charity.

David Baron, 26, and James Aspinall, 33, rode 128 miles along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation and Catherine's Crusaders. They set off from Great Harwood for Liverpool on Saturday, and yesterday biked it from the town to Leeds.

Mr Baron explained he was prepared to put his body on the line as it for such a good cause. He said: "We've never done anything like this before, but after both of our lives were touched by the disease we thought this was the least we could do."

The Crusaders were set up in 2002 and have raised £48,000 for Cancer Research, treatment and family support in East Lancashire. Joan Kearney, who runs the charity, thanked the pals for their effort in raising £1,000.

She said: "Everyone at Catherine's Crusaders wishes to thank them. It's a credit to them that they were prepared to ride this far to help raise money."

To help sponsor the event visit the website found at www.justgiving.com/davidbaron1. If you would like to get involved with Catherine's Crusaders call community fundraiser Anne Sweeney on 01772 523 728 or go to www.rosemere.org.uk.