A PAIR of youngsters helped save a man’s life when they rang 999 after seeing smoke bellowing from a window.

Best friends Kieron Sanderson, 12, and Morgan Williamson, 10, had been on the way home from Adsa, Hyndburn Road, Accrington, when they saw smoke coming from a house in Gloucester Avenue, Accrington.

Instinctively Kieron, of Worcester Avenue, Accrington, rang Lancashire Fire and Rescue and told them a house was on fire and they thought someone was inside.

Both Accrington Academy pupil Kieron and Morgan, of Stratford Way, Accrington, have been praised by the fire service.

Hyndburn firefighters were called to Gloucester Avenue around 7.50pm on Friday when a man accidentally knocked the cooker on while he was cleaning and a pan caught fire.

Kieron said: “We saw the smoke from the window and went to the drive I was with my mate who said we should phone the 999.

“I think other people would have done the same thing but I’m proud of what I have done.

"The firefighters said we had saved someone’s life.” Kieron’s mum Sharon Smith, 40, said: “I’m really proud of him.”

Morgan added: “We just rang up instinctively. The firefighters have come into schools and told us what to do when there is a fire and we remembered what they said and did it. ”

Watch Manager Nick Ingham said: "He stayed on the phone and talked everything through with our operator."

Michelle Gregson, who took the 999 call, said: "Kieron was so calm when he rang us. His actions potentially saved a life and prevented the incident becoming far worse.”