A WOODED area near Towneley Park was cordoned off amid reports of a sex attack on a girl.

Forensic specialists carried out tests at the scene, off Mary Towneley Fold, from Friday afternoon until 11am on Saturday.

An officer stood guard at the cordon during this time, and a large area was taped off.

Police urged residents not to panic at the sight of all their forensic jobs" target="_blank">work.

They said an initial call claimed there had been a serious sex attack in the park.

But now the probe is thought to be centering on claims of underage sex, rather than an attack by a stranger. Groups of teenagers had been drinking in the park before the allegation was made.

Police said they had to set up the cordon as they treated all allegations of sex attacks seriously.

But they stressed to residents that there was no sex attacker ‘on the loose’ in the area.

No one has been arrested in connection with the investigation.

Detective Inspector Simon Cheyte, of Burnley CID, said he wanted to reassure members of the public who used Towneley Park or the nearby wooded area.

He said: “The public should not be overly concerned with what we’re looking at in that we believe it was an isolated incident and similar ones are not likely to occur again.”

Anyone with information should contact Burnley Police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.