SPEEDING motorists and dangerous drivers have become a police priority in a Rossendale town.

A crackdown on motorists breaking the law is to be launched in Bacup over the next few months.

The initiative follows reports fromresidents and councillors about various hotspots for speeding and dangerous driving.

Coun William Challinor, who lives on Newchurch Road, said: “The problem is mainly in the evenings, so that is when the police will be out to catch those who just want to drive fast.

“We know that the police may not be able to be come out in force constantly, but they have said they will focus on the specific areas.

“As I live on one the problem roads. I can see the issue first hand and I am glad things are being done to slow drivers down and make Bacup safer.”

An increase in speed checks along Todmorden Road, automated flashing signs reminding drivers to slow down, and a greater police presence at major hotspots may all be implemented during the next three months, Another issue that was raised at a recent neighbourhood forum was in relation to continental drivers using the borough’s roads with very little knowledge of the routes.

Police will now monitor Farm Lane, Newchurch Road and particularly narrow bends in the town to explore ways on how to tackle the problem.

Council Leader Tony Swain said he fully supported the police initiative.

He said: “Anything that promotes road safety in Rossendale has the full backing of the council.

“I believe the speed detection monitors could be very effective.”

An update on the progress of the new initiatives will be presented at the next neighbourhood forum.

The committee will meet on Thursday, July 9, from 7pm to 8.30pm at Stacksteads Methodist Church, Newchurch Road.