A PENDLE councillor is facing calls to resign after she attended just two meetings in the last six months.

Figures released this week show that Brierfield ward Coun Naseem Shabnam has missed seven meetings from nine since May.

Mohammed Iqbal, Labour leader at Pendle Council, has called for the Liberal Democrat to ‘step down.’ But Coun Shabnam said her poor attendance record has been due to ill health and vowed to be present at more meetings in the future.

In the last six months there have been three full council meetings held in Pendle, all of which Coun Shabnam has failed to attend.

And she was present at just two out of six possible Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings.

Coun Iqbal said: “It is especially important for her to attend the Brierfield and Reedley Area Committee meetings so she can reach the local community and get an idea of the issues affecting local people. If she’s not able to be there I would call upon her to resign.”

But Coun Shabnam said: “I have not been well and have even got a sick note.

“Prior to the most recent elections I was attending hospital appointments, but had to stop because I was busy with my council work and as a result, I ended up going off sick.

“More recently I had to come off with something else due to a personal incident that took place around three weeks ago. In the near future I will be back on track and attending meetings.”

Under council policy, if a ward councillor fails to attend a meeting for six months, they can be asked to step down.