A postal worker had her mail bag snatched during her round.

Police said the the postal worker was carrying out deliveries in Pine Street, Haslingden, when she was approached by a man who grabbed her bag and escaped through the local estate.

Although shaken, she was uninjured in the incident, which occurred at 11.30am yesterday.

The male was described as being Asian, in his mid 20s, approximately 5ft 8in, stocky with a round face and cleanly shaven.

He was wearing a navy blue polo shirt style t-shirt with a collar and dark blue jeans and had a local accent.

Detective Sergeant Ben Hodkinson said: “I am appealing for anyone who may have been in the area, seen anything suspicious or who may have any other information at all to come forward.”

People with information should contact Rawtenstall CID on 01706 237445 or to call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.